ar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 01 10 9 v 1 2 6 Ja n 19 93 String inspired effective Lagrangian and Inflationary Universe
We consider a string inspired effective Lagrangian for the graviton and dilaton, containing Einstein gravity at the zero slope limit. The numerical solution of the problem shows asymptotically an inflationary universe. The time is measured by the dilaton, as one expects. The result is independent of the introduction of ad-hoc self interactions for the dilaton field.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 01 05 6 v 1 1 4 Ja n 19 93 QUANTUM GROUPS , CORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND INFRARED DIVERGENCES
We show in two simple examples that for one-dimensional quantum chains with quantum group symmetries, the correlation functions of local operators are, in general, infrared divergent. If one considers, however, correlation functions invariant under the quantum group, the divergences cancel out.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 99 01 43 4 v 1 2 8 Ja n 19 99 Inhomogeneity and the Post - Inflationary Universe Richard Easther and Matthew Parry
We discuss the interaction between perturbations in the inflaton and the background during the preheating phase in simple inflationary models. By numerically solving the Einstein field equations we are able to assess the impact of non-linear gravitational effects on preheating, and to assess the accuracy of perturbative discussions of the preheating epoch.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 05 01 16 3 v 1 2 0 Ja n 20 05 Why do we live in 3 + 1 dimensions ?
In the context of string theory we argue that higher dimensional Dp-branes unwind and evaporate so that we are left with D3-branes embedded in a (9+1)-dimensional bulk. One of these D3-branes plays the rôle of our Universe. Within this picture, the evaporation of the higher dimensional Dp-branes provides the entropy of our Universe.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 06 10 4 v 2 2 2 Ju n 19 93 IASSNS - HEP - 93 / 36 SPACE - TIME TRANSITIONS IN STRING THEORY ⋆
Simple mean field methods can be used to describe transitions between different space-time models in string theory. These include transitions between different Calabi-Yau manifolds, and more exotic things such as the Calabi-Yau/Landau-Ginzberg correspondence.
متن کاملar X iv : a st ro - p h / 94 01 02 3 v 1 1 4 Ja n 19 94 AZPH - TH / 93 - 5 Stochastic Fluctuations and Structure Formation in the Universe
It is shown that the evolution of the density perturbations during certain eras of substantial entropy generation in the universe can be described in the scheme of the KPZ equation. Therefore, the influence on cosmological structure formation by stochastic forces arising from various dissipations can be studied through the universal characteristics of surface growth in d = 3 + 1 dimensions. We ...
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